What you will learn

Education Bundle for Post-Secondary Institution

  • Understand fundamental principles of CAD/CAM usage in orthotics and prosthetics

  • Recognize Vorum's product capabilities and the benefits they provide for clinicians and technicians

  • Use Canfit with real digital patient shapes or measurements: build-ups and reductions, merge template shapes, apply clinical corrections, design trimlines

  • Demonstrate basic CAD knowledge and design O&P devices with Canfit

Welcome to the LaunchPAD Program

An online crash course to CAD/CAM for orthotics and prosthetics

The continuous developments in modern technology has made it clear that the next pivotal step for advancing orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) is to embrace a digital solution. More specifically, the process of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) can be used to digitize the standard O&P fabrication process. It gives you an edge in working more efficiently, providing better patient care, and producing highly accurate orthotic and prosthetic devices for patients. With proper training and education, CAD/CAM technology can be easy to learn for any clinician or technician. This is why we developed the LaunchPAD (Professional Academic Development) Program, to digitally enable current and future O&P professionals for the future.

This course is structured as a weekly series that will help you understand the fundamentals of this digital process and how it is used in O&P. You will be given the opportunity to learn and use Canfit™, the leading O&P design software in the field, to create and rectify different custom orthotic and prosthetic devices. Vorum's interactive exercises and assessments will help you cultivate a clear perspective of the tangible advantages of utilizing CAD/CAM technologies. 

By the end of this program, your newly developed skills will be another valuable tool to incorporate into your O&P toolkit. 

How it Works

  • Take Courses

    Vorum's LaunchPAD Program is packed with various courses to help you elevate your skill in CAD/CAM for O&P. Each module can contain lectures, training resources, and evaluation assessments. Modules are time-gated and released on your instructors approval. You have the freedom to go through the content at your own pace and easily start from where you left off.

  • Build Hands-On Experience

    Some modules will come with projects focused on CAD applications in O&P. You will have the opportunity to bolster your digital skill sets and be evaluated on these assignments.

  • Get a Digital Certificate

    Upon completion of this program, you will receive a digital certificate that can be used to highlight your valuable skills to others in your professional O&P network.